Matthew Poulin

New Hampshire State Representative

District 9 Hopkinton/Bow

2024 New Hampshire State Representative Election

District 9 - Hopkinton/Bow

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Matthew Poulin is a 21 year resident of Bow, New Hampshire. Mr. Poulin has four children with his wife Emily, all four of which attended the Bow schools. Matthew began his involvement in Bow town affairs as a member of the CIP Committee in 2016.

He continued supporting the community in 2018, when he ran and was successfully elected as Town Selectman. Matt remained an active member of the Select Board for six years. Matt’s accomplishments as a Selectman included maintaining a level or negative town budget, as well as settling the powerplant abatement lawsuit; the settlement of this lawsuit relieved Bow residents of seemingly endless legal costs.

Matthew was a key player in getting the much needed cell tower project approved, and continued the negotiations regarding the Bow Junction water dispute with the city of Concord.

Matthew Poulin is a fiscal conservative who is focused on New Hampshire values and keeping our state free from sales tax.